Non-verbal Communication

Mimics, gestures and posture during a conversation have a profound effect on our message when we communicate. Our partner during a discussion will be influenced by all these even if he or she is not aware of these behaviours on a conscious level. We focus on these elements and how you can master them, with practical examples from real life.

Duration:         1 – 2  Days

Participants:  6 –  12

Contact us for more information

Who should attend?

Employees with internal as well as external customer contact.

Course objetives:

The participants realise the effect and the influence of their non-verbal communication.

Course Contents:

  • The “iceberg” and the unconscious
  • Facial expression
  • Gestures
  • Behaviour
  • Spatial reaction
  • Clothes and colours
  • Appearance

Course Methodology

During the training phases, the participants experience the effect they have on others by means of presentations and role trainings.